

Yu Hanqing - Four Seasons (4 Quadruplicates) - GV-PP-2112-024 to 027


Yu Hanqing - Four Seasons (4 Quadruplicates) - GV-PP-2112-024 to 027

Coinllectibles Limited
Contract address: 0x6385......0424
Token ID: #51
Token standard: ERC-721
Royalty fee: 8 %
Blockchain: Polygon
Artist / Owner:
Size: Refer to Description
Created date: Feb 28, 2023
Collection: Modern Artists Series

Spring (024) : Width - frame: 53 cm, content: 38.5 cm; Height - frame: 218.5 cm, content: 165.4 cm.

Summer (025): Width - frame: 52.7 cm, content: 38.2 cm; Height - frame: 218.5 cm, content: 165 cm.

Autumn (026): Width - frame: 52.8 cm, content: 38.2 cm; Height - frame: 218 cm, content: 165 cm.

Winter (027): Width - frame: 52.8 cm, content: 38.3 cm; Height - frame: 218.2 cm, content: 165 cm.

Yu Da, style name Han Qing, alias Ai Mo Shan Ren, Chuan Fang Ju Shi, also known as Master of Qinping Painting Studio, as well as Zhuo Weng in his later years. He was born in 1904 and died in 1987, and was a native of Leping, Jiangxi. He was well-read in literature since childhood and loved painting. Later on, he moved to Jingdezhen owing to family poverty for the creation and research of ceramic arts.  He specialized in flowers, plumes, fish and insects, fruits and vegetables, and also practiced painting landscapes, figures, antiques and animals. He was not only a dedicated researcher on poetry, calligraphy and seal engraving, but was also able to integrate poetry, calligraphy, painting and printing, and his unique style of painting on paper was favored by collectors; he was also capable of painting, drawing, inscribing and writing on ceramics, to complete a ceramic art work independently. This was especially uncommon in the meticulous division of Jingdezhen ceramic industry, and also accomplished his noble character of adhering to the own style without compromising to the trend. His profound attainments are on a par with the "Eight Friends of Zhushan", however, different from these famous artists, he had in-depth cultural skills and teaching techniques, which made him one of the first founders of Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute as well as one of the only few associate professors in the 1950s and 1960s. In 1959, he was among the first batch of ceramic artists awarded the title of "Ceramic Artist" by the Municipal Government of Jingdezhen. He once served as Member of the China Artists Association, Provincial and Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Commissions, Consultant of the Jingdezhen Painting and Calligraphy Institute, and Identification Member of the Municipal Administration of Cultural Relics.

Yu Hanqing devoted his life to study and learning, and he focused on observation and experience of life and nature. He loved planting flowers and catching butterflies, and then carefully studied them, and also kept pigeons to observe them for painting. His early works feature neat and elegant styles, delicate brushwork, hair-thin lines, bright and clean flowers, elegant color schemes, and true-to-life images. The "Republic of China ceramic", an antique book published in Beijing, introduced him as follows: "Mr. Yu Hanqing was a renowned ceramic painter in Jingdezhen, enjoying a reputation as early as in the 1930s.  For example, the ceramic plate painting of "Warm Spring" is a great depiction of spring and its brilliance among traditional painting subjects, but it is not common to see Mr. Yu Hanqing painting from such a perspective. A trunk stretches upward from the tree, with the scene of creatures waiting to be fed in the lush leaves and branches coming to life, foreshadowing spring as the season of flourishing life.”

Making underglaze blue and famille rose ceramic plaque painting is more difficult than traditional paper painting, because it has to be fired twice in the kiln. Firstly, the underglaze blue should be under higher temperature and secondly, the overglaze famille rose enamels should be under lower temperature. There are risks of cracking or deforming during the second firing. The colors of the underglaze blue may also be affected or dispersed during the second firing. The final results cannot be predicted before both firings. Therefore, successful works of underglaze blue and famille rose ceramic plaque painting are rare. The color enamels used in ceramic plaque painting are more stable and the texture is stronger. Ceramic plaque painting has more layering and more three-dimensional than paper painting. Moreover, it can be permanently preserved, avoiding insect bites and weathering.

The four seasons of the year, spring, summer, autumn and winter, go in cycles and always leave us with good memories. And for a painter, the best memory of the beauty of the four seasons is the brushwork spring, summer, autumn and winter. The quadruplicate landscape painting "Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter" is a unique form of expression in Chinese painting, which interprets the aesthetic sense of the individuality of all things in a specific and limited space. Since ancient times, it has been a favorite among the people as well as a common choice for home decoration paintings.

GV-PP-2112-024 NFC ID:    04:7E:08:7A:E6:72:80
GV-PP-2112-025 NFC ID:    04:4D:0E:7A:E6:72:80
GV-PP-2112-026 NFC ID:    04:7C:06:7A:E6:72:80
GV-PP-2112-027 NFC ID:    04:35:19:7A:E6:72:80

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