

Wucai Solitary Vase Designed with Window, Flower, Character Story, with Human Foot and Animal Ear

Wucai Solitary Vase Designed with Window, Flower, Character Story, with Human Foot and Animal Ear

Coinllectibles Limited
Contract address: 0x61b0......634e
Token ID: #2731
Token standard: ERC-721
Blockchain: OEC
Artist / Owner:
Size: 26.5cm (Width) 18.8cm (Depth) 49cm (Height)
Created date: Sep 21, 2021
Collection: Bronze Collection

名稱及規格: 五彩開窗花卉人物故事人足獸耳四方孤樽

五彩開窗花卉人物故事人足獸耳四方孤樽 本孤尊撇口,束頸,鼓腹下收,外撇高圈足,整體端莊大氣,線條流暢,用料精到,古雅明亮。 瓷器燒造有一方十圓之說,方口,口沿紅釉,長頸,中間以束腰、鼓腹、瓶頸部分鑲四金鳥、瓶腹則鑲上四方金獸頭、四腳則為人頭。造型精緻獨特,器形優美,為皇室所喜愛。 瓶身五彩繪各種花朵紋飾 、底施綠釉,勻淨厚潤,色彩繽紛、瓶口及腰部塗抹幾何紋金彩一週,全器上下皆工緻非凡,處處彰顯出乾隆彩瓷無與倫比的華麗與尊貴。畫風和所描繪的外國仕女各富特色。 極具觀賞與收藏價值。

Name and Specification: A Wucai Solitary Vase Designed with Window, Flower, Character Story, with Human Foot and Animal Ear

DIMENSIONS: 26.5cm (Width) 18.8cm (Depth) 49cm (Height)

This solitary vase has a square mouth, long and thin neck, narrow at the bottom of the belly, with high rounded feet. It looks quaint and dignified, with fluid silhouette and refined materials. The rim of mouth is covered by red glaze. The neck is inlaid with four golden birds, the belly of the vase is inlaid with four golden beast heads, and the four legs with human heads. The vase is exquisite and unique with beautiful shape, which is favoured by the royal family. The vase body is painted with Wucai colors, showing various flower patterns with even and thick green glaze. The mouth and waist of the vase are surrounded with gold color and geometric patterns. The workmanship of the whole vase is extraordinary, showing the magnificence and dignity of Qianlong colored porcelain. The painting style and the foreign ladies depicted show the unique characteristics.

Appraised Price Range: USD38,000-50,000

Legal documents
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Certificate of Ownership

This non-fungible token (this “Fusion DOT”) serves as the certificate of legal title to and beneficial ownership of the Collectible, as defined in the Transfer Deed between Massive Treasure Limited and Coinllectibles Private Limited dated 02 August 2021 (and described in the Appraisal Report) incorporated into this Fusion DOT, upon the terms and subject to the conditions contained in the following documents incorporated into this Fusion DOT: (1) Transfer Deed; (2) Sale and Purchase Agreement; (3) Bailment Agreement; and (4) Appraisal Report

Transfer deed: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

Transfer deed: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

SPA: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

Bailment Terms: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

Appraisal Report: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

Low Resolution Image: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

High Resolution Image: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

Price history

AVG.Price ($): $0

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