

Wang Ruilang - The Sage-like Cloud and Summit of the Sanqing Mountain - CIMB-PP-2110-015


Wang Ruilang - The Sage-like Cloud and Summit of the Sanqing Mountain - CIMB-PP-2110-015

Coinllectibles Limited
Contract address: 0x70f6......6443
Token ID: #4848
Token standard: ERC-721
Royalty fee: 8 %
Blockchain: Polygon
Artist / Owner:
Size: Width - frame: 76.3 cm, content: 53.7 cm; Height - frame: 65.2 cm, content: 42.6 cm.
Created date: Nov 27, 2023
Collection: Modern Artists Series

DIMENSION:  Width - frame: 76.3 cm, content: 53.7 cm; Height - frame: 65.2 cm, content: 42.6 cm. 

Mr. Wang Ruilang is a Chinese Arts and Crafts Master. He graduated from the Poyang Teachers’ School of Fine Arts in 1980 and further studied at the Jingdezhen Ceramics Institute in 1981. He is a visiting professor at the Huangshan Institute and founded the Ruilang Studio in 1990. In 1993, a 500-piece vase by him named "Tour of the Ming Dynasty People" was collected by the National Palace Museum of Taipei. In 1998, his 50 x 50 cm ceramic plaque "Songs of the Village"  won the gold medal of the China Arts and Crafts Association. In 2005, he first invented the skill of painting dangly on ceramics which was entitled “Unique in Asia” by Marco Frigatti, the Vice President of Guinness Records Asia. In 2011, his 50 x 50 cm ceramic plaque painting "Sun" won the gold medal at the Shanghai International Exposition. He has been reported by Jiangxi Satellite TV, Jiangsu Satellite TV and other TV stations, and got long-term academic reports on Baidu and Sina Video. In 2014, he was named the most investible and collectable modern painter. In 2015, he won the Excellence Award of Chinese Ceramic Painting.

In this work, high-temperature glaze on ceramic plaque technique was used. The colors of the high-temperature glazes change after firing. Glazes with different thicknesses melted but would not fuse together during firing. The artist fathomed the physical and chemical characteristics of the high-temperature glazes and all the details were preserved after firing. All artistic characteristics of this painting were well presented.

This fine work by Mr. Wang Ruilang is entitled “The Sage-like Cloud and Summit of the Sanqing Mountain”. Every peak is rugged. Every rock is strange. This is the sage-like Nature. In the Sanqing Mountain, cloud and summit overlap, forests are green, rocks are rugged and cliffs are strange. It looks as if gods are descending to the Earth. It is the Holy Land of Daoism.

CIMB-PP-2110-015 NFC ID: 04:5A:12:7A:E6:72:80

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