

Qing Dynasty (19th Century) Wucai Five Blessings Longevity Foliate Mouth Plate

Qing Dynasty (19th Century) Wucai Five Blessings Longevity Foliate Mouth Plate

Coinllectibles Limited
Contract address: 0x61b0......634e
Token ID: #2733
Token standard: ERC-721
Blockchain: OEC
Artist / Owner:
Size: 46.1cm (Width) 45.7cm (Depth) 6.8cm (Height)
Created date: Sep 15, 2021
Collection: Heritage Series

名稱及規格: 清代五彩五福捧壽葵口賞盤

本拍品造型獨特,葵口,淺腹,圈足,盤心以五彩黃釉繪製配上五隻藍釉麒麟。銜綬紋飾。「綬」通「壽」取意吉祥、畫工細膩,二種圖案組合寓意「五福同慶,綿延萬代」當為清宮用品。又以五隻麒麟環繞蝠鼠同戲,蝠與福 諧音,故名。此藏品五彩五麒麟捧壽葵花口盤胎質潔白細膩,品相完美,具有很高的收藏價值。

Name and Specification: Qing Dynasty (19th Century) Wucai Five Blessings Longevity Foliate Mouth Plate

DIMENSIONS: 46.1cm (Width) 45.7cm (Depth) 6.8cm (Height)

This lot has a unique shape, with foliate mouth, shallow abdomen, and rounded feet. The center of the plate is painted with Wucai yellow glaze with five blue unicorns. As a product of the Qing palace, the ornamentation “Huan" has similar pronunciation as the Chinese word "Shou”, that means auspiciousness and exquisite painting. The combination of the unicorns and the ornamentation implies that "five blessings are celebrated together, extending for all generations". Five unicorns are surrounding and playing with the bats, as the pronunciation of the Chinese word "Bats" and "Blessings" are the same. This collection of five Wucai unicorns holding a longevity poliate plate of a delicate porcelain with perfect appearance.

Appraised Price Range: USD70,000-85,000

Legal documents
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Certificate of Ownership

This non-fungible token (this “Fusion DOT”) serves as the certificate of legal title to and beneficial ownership of the Collectible, as defined in the Transfer Deed between Massive Treasure Limited and Coinllectibles Private Limited dated 02 August 2021 (and described in the Appraisal Report) incorporated into this Fusion DOT, upon the terms and subject to the conditions contained in the following documents incorporated into this Fusion DOT: (1) Transfer Deed; (2) Sale and Purchase Agreement; (3) Bailment Agreement; and (4) Appraisal Report(s)

Transfer deed: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

SPA: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

Bailment Terms: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

Appraisal Report: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

Low Resolution Image: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

High Resolution Image: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

Price history

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