

Long-Neck Vase in the Altar Red Glaze of Qing Dynasty (19th century) - CIMB-CAP-2203-025


Long-Neck Vase in the Altar Red Glaze of Qing Dynasty (19th century) - CIMB-CAP-2203-025

Coinllectibles Limited
Contract address: 0x6822......EeA8
Token ID: #5
Token standard: ERC-721
Royalty fee: 8 %
Blockchain: Polygon
Artist / Owner:
Size: 27.1cm (Width) 27.1cm (Depth) 46cm (Height)
Created date: Jul 20, 2022
Collection: Heritage Series

DIMENSIONS: 27.1cm (Width) 27.1cm (Depth) 46cm (Height)

This Guanyin vase in the altar-red glaze has a wide flared mouth, a straight neck and broad shoulders. The body, long and smooth, shrinks till the shallow foot. This piece has been reacquired from overseas. The gilded-copper rim, ears and base were added sometime after its original manufacture. The altar-red glaze is pure, graceful and attractive. Additionally, this vessel is distinguished by a regular shape and a unique form. It is solemn, lustrous and free of cracks.

In ancient times, this long-neck vessel in the altar-red glaze generally served a sacrificial purpose in the life of a royal household. It isn’t merely a bauble, though, as the ingredients of the altar-red glaze include precious gold, corals, agates and jades. The altar-red glaze, translated from ji hong (“祭红” or “霁红” which refer to the same type of glaze), was, like the Zun form, invented during the Kangxi reign. This tinted, high-temperature glaze is regarded as a treasure by kiln masters, due in part to the exceedingly difficult process involved in its production. This tinted, high-temperature glaze is regarded as a treasure by kiln masters, due in part to the exceedingly difficult process involved in its production. The altar-red glazed ceramic bears a thick but solemn color, which denotes the sophistication of the process. Thus, perfect examples are very rarely seen. Nevertheless, no expense was spared in production. In other words, this altar-red glazed ceramic is the zenith of traditional Chinese ceramic products, and its altar-red glaze is a pearl among tinted, high-temperature glazes.

Historically, the bright-red glazed ceramic found favor among nobility as well as the common people. Particularly, during the Qing dynasty the Qianlong Emperor cherished such ceramic. “Rains poured, and the clouds dropped as the banquet ended. The setting sun shed light on a wild duck flying alone. The ceramic was made with clay, shaped on an iron wheel and dyed with cinnabar.” The emperor gasped in delight and appreciation as he played with it.

Market price: USD25,900-51,700

NFC ID: 04:8F:0C:7A:E6:72:80

Legal documents
Documents and more

Certificate of Ownership

This digital ownership token (this “Fusion DOT”) serves as the certificate of legal title to and beneficial ownership of the Collectible, as defined in the Transfer Deed between Coinllectibles Private Limited and Coinllectibles Limited dated 18th May 2022 incorporated into this Fusion DOT, upon the terms and subject to the conditions contained in the following documents incorporated into this Fusion DOT: (1) Transfer Deed; (2) Sale and Purchase Agreement; and (3) Bailment Agreement. 

Transfer deed: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

SPA: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

Bailment Terms: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

Appraisal Report: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

Low Resolution Image: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

High Resolution Image: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

Price history

AVG.Price ($): $0

EventUnit priceUSD PriceAddressTime

USDT 101,200 USDT

≈ $101,233.9485

From: 0x0cb7......6902

To: 0x3ba8......Fb53


USDT 100,800 USDT

≈ $100,833.8143

From: 0xc212......1c4c

To: 0x3ba8......Fb53


USDT 100,300 USDT

≈ $100,333.6466

From: 0xff20......35d6

To: 0x3ba8......Fb53


USDT 98,000 USDT

≈ $98,032.875

From: 0x0c0c......b3de

To: 0x3ba8......Fb53


From: 0xC690......a9b5



From: 0xc690......a9b5

To: 0xC690......a9b5