

Liu Yi - Underglaze Red - Lotus - Quadruplicate III - GV-PP-2112-003


Liu Yi - Underglaze Red - Lotus - Quadruplicate III - GV-PP-2112-003

Coinllectibles Limited
Contract address: 0x70f6......6443
Token ID: #4851
Token standard: ERC-721
Royalty fee: 8 %
Blockchain: Polygon
Artist / Owner:
Size: Width - frame: 41.3 cm, content: 19 cm; Height - frame: 102.2 cm, content: 79.7 cm.
Created date: Dec 04, 2023
Collection: Modern Artists Series

DIMENSION:  Width - frame: 41.3 cm, content: 19 cm; Height - frame: 102.2 cm, content: 79.7 cm. 

Liu Yi is a renowned artist of many accolades which includes being a Senior Master of Arts and Crafts of Jiangxi, a First Jiangxi Province Porcelain Art Master, a member of the Jiangxi Province Arts and Crafts Association, Vice President of the MDC Zhongshan College of Jingdezhen, Vice President of the Jingdezhen Nanchang Porcelain Culture Creativity Research Institute, a guest professor of the Jiangxi Province Yuzhou Vocational College of Science and Technology, a guest professor of the Jiangxi Province Industrial Professional Technological Institute and an NPC delegate of the Communist Party of Zhushan, Jingdezhen, China.

He was born in 1966 in Xinjian, Jiangxi Province and graduated from the Jingdezhen Porcelain Workers' University majoring in Art Design in 1989. Now, he is working for the Art Center of the China Institute of Light Industrial Porcelains. His works not only integrate traditional Chinese style, but also have new innovations, so that his works have modern artistic characteristics. His paintings, no matter on paper or on porcelains all have unique style. His works were selected to be exhibited in China and abroad, and many have been purchased and collected by collectors and merchants. Many of his works have been published in the Dictionary of Chinese Contemporary Artists, the Complete Works of Chinese Jingdezhen Porcelains, Research on Jiangxi Porcelains, Selected Works of Chinese and Japanese Porcelains, Selected Works of Chinese and Korean Porcelains, Chinese Porcelains and Porcelain Art Album of China's Ministry of Light Industry, etc.

It is very hard to produce underglaze red porcelains, because traditional Chinese underglaze red porcelains use copper as a colorant. When copper is in the red state in the general ground environment, it is extremely unstable and tends to become green or black which is a more stable state. The temperature interval for firing underglaze red porcelains is very narrow, so it is very difficult to fire successfully.

This work is the third piece of a quadruplicate painting. Pure underglaze red was used to depict the clear, clean and colourful lotuses.

GV-PP-2112-003 NFC ID: 04:42:0D:7A:E6:72:80

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