

Valley of Understanding


Valley of Understanding

Hasanul Isyraf Idris (1978)
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Blockchain: Polygon
Artist / Owner: Richard Koh Fine Art Pte Ltd
Size: 153 x 153 cm
Created date: May 03, 2023
Collection: Crossover DOTs

Artist: Hasanul Isyraf Idris (b. 1978, Malaysia)

Title: Valley of Understanding

Year: 2021

Medium: Gouache and watercolor on paper

Dimension: 153 x 153 cm

Hasanul Isyraf Idris (b.1978, Perak, Malaysia) was trained at Mara University of Technology (UiTM), Perak, Malaysia and is presently based in Penang.
His practice spans a variety of media, including painting, drawing, installation, video work and sculpture. His works typically manifest hybridity of fictional and surreal iconography drawn from the personal invention as from a melange of pop cultural references, such as comic books, science fiction, street art and film. He personifies his personal struggles as an artist with strange characters and creatures that inhabit his invented universes.

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