

The More I Live, the Less I Know


The More I Live, the Less I Know

Desmond Mah
Contract address: 
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Token standard: 
Blockchain: Polygon
Artist / Owner: Art Seasons Gallery(S) Pte Ltd
Size: 38 x 7 x 20 cm | Bamboo Turntable 9 x 29 cm (Dia.)
Created date: Jan 12, 2024
Collection: Crossover DOTs

Artist: Desmond Mah

Title: The More I Live, the Less I Know

Year: 2022

Medium: Acrylic Paint, Arduino, Speakers

Dimension: 38 x 7 x 20 cm | Bamboo Turntable 9 x 29 cm (Dia.)

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Bailment Terms: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

Service Argeement: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

High Resolution Image: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]