

The Independent


The Independent

Pen Robit (1991)
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Blockchain: Polygon
Artist / Owner: Richard Koh Fine Art Pte Ltd
Size: 150 x 120 cm
Created date: May 02, 2023
Collection: Crossover DOTs

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Artist: Pen Robit (b.1991,Cambodia)

Title: The Independent

Year: 2022

Medium: Enamel Paint on Canvas

Dimension: 150 x 120 cm

Pen Robit (b.1991, Battambang, Cambodia) lives and works in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Robit’s work attempts to represent Cambodia’s past, present and future socio-political fabric. He draws influences from Cambodian cultural iconography as well as ongoing societal discourses.

Bailment Terms: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

Service Argeement: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

High Resolution Image: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]