

Stay Safe

Hu Qiren (1983)
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Blockchain: Polygon
Artist / Owner: Richard Koh Fine Art Pte Ltd
Size: 76 x 60 cm
Created date: May 04, 2023
Collection: Crossover DOTs

Artist: Hu Qiren (b. 1983, Singapore)

Title: Stay Safe

Year: 2022

Medium: Diasecmounted pigment print on composite panel

Dimension: 76 x 60 cm

Hu Qiren (b.1983, Singapore) is a visual artist whose practice explores the myriad forms of image making, incorporating a wide range of media, including photography, video, installation and performance. Expressing a vibrant visual vocabulary inspired by his own identity and tradition, Qiren synthesizes cultural binaries, while incessantly challenging notions of authenticity, belief and value systems.

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High Resolution Image: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]