

Smoking Girl

Myat Kyawt (1966)
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Artist / Owner: Art Seasons Gallery(S) Pte Ltd
Size: 152 x 122 cm
Created date: Sep 19, 2023
Collection: Crossover DOTs

Artist: Myat Kyawt (1966)

Title: Smoking Girl

Year: 2023

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Dimension: 152 x 122 cm

This series explores the artistry of Myat Kyawt (1966), a prominent contemporary artist from Myanmar, through his innovative works Magnificent Humour. The series analyses how Myat Kyawt adeptly navigates the complexities of globalisation, identity, political discourse, and resistance within his art, using a series of visual statements to convey his message. By examining the fusion of traditional identity with global crosscultural influences, the hybridisation of artistic styles, this series delves into how Myat Kyawt's works serve as both a form of political commentary and a means of expressing dissent while fostering dialogues. Through a critical lens, the series also discusses the stories of artists who have confronted censorship and transcended boundaries. Ultimately, Myat Kyawt's Magnificent Humour invites viewers to question the state of the world and find solace in laughter amidst the prevailing challenges of our time.

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