

Parasocial I

Joshua Kane Gomes (1993)
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Blockchain: Polygon
Artist / Owner: Richard Koh Fine Art Pte Ltd
Size: 112 x 72 x 46 cm
Created date: May 02, 2023
Collection: Crossover DOTs

Artist: Joshua Kane Gomes (b. 1993, Malaysia)

Title: Parasocial I 

Year: 2022

Medium: Steel, ropes, emulsion coated foam, fabric and polyester fiber fill

Dimension: 112 x 72 x 46 cm

Joshua Kane Gomes (b.1993, Malaysia) primarily engages themes of identity and space in his art practice. Documenting his mental processes and states through the art-making process, Joshua peeks into the grey areas between cold rationality and sentimental sensibility. He often works with sculptures and installations that leverage
evoking mood and atmosphere, be it through a form or material language. In his current body of work, Joshua focuses on captured moments of vulnerability with a sprinkle of levity, stemming from the artist’s musings during periods of isolation. The works are the product of time spent lost in thought, wandering his own mindscape, the hazy recollections of sluggish days that blur into one another.

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