

My Time and Space

Adeline Yeo (Yeo See Chin Adeline)
Contract address: 
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Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
Artist / Owner: Yeo See Chin Adeline
Size: 61 x 73 cm
Created date: Apr 25, 2022
Collection: Crossover DOTs

Dimension: 61 x 73 cm 

My Time and Space

"For this is my time and space, a sacred moment of exchange, of mind, body and spirit, of calm, of respite. No one can take it away from me, I deserve it, I own it."

About the Artist:

Adeline is the first female finger-painting artist in Singapore. Starting from 2010, Adeline Yeo has held seven successful solo exhibitions in different galleries, art museums, and private clubs in Singapore. She has also participated in different charity projects, including for the Singapore Association for Mental Health, and Mother and Child Project.

Adeline’s artworks have the ability to empower, uplift and inspire, it is no wonder that many find her paintings emotional and inspirational, motivating one to explore the many storied facets of life. Her art pieces are sought after by industry leaders, art connoisseurs, and art collectors.

Adeline uses her fingers deftly, creating the most abstract artworks punctuated with glimpses of discernible birds, and surreal swirls of flowers. With her strong and uninhibited finger strokes, her paintings express her unique abstract concepts and her finger-painter's passion for life. Her best pieces are often created while she is blindfolded. All of Adeline's art pieces revolve around the trinity of LIFE - Love, Joy, and Faith.

NFC id: 0460067ae67280

Legal documents
Documents and more

Certificate of Ownership

This non-fungible token (this “Fusion NFT”) serves as the certificate of legal title to and beneficial ownership of the Collectible, as defined in the Transfer Deed between Coinllectibles Private Limited and Coinllectibles Limited dated 11th March 2022 incorporated into this Fusion NFT, upon the terms and subject to the conditions contained in the following documents incorporated into this Fusion NFT: (1) Transfer Deed; (2) Sale and Purchase Agreement; and (3) Bailment Agreement. 

Transfer deed: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

SPA: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

Bailment Terms: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

Low Resolution Image: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

High Resolution Image: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]