

Live from Abbey Road (Pt II) - 8. Muse - A Unique Image from A Behind Closed Doors Performance


Live from Abbey Road (Pt II) - 8. Muse - A Unique Image from A Behind Closed Doors Performance

Contract address: 0xA37c......e3Eb
Token ID: #66
Token standard: ERC-721
Royalty fee: 8 %
Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
Spink and Son Limited
Size: NA
Created date: Sep 06, 2023
Collection: Crossover DOTs

A Unique Image from A Behind Closed Doors Performance
(dot): Matt Bellamy photographed dramatically strumming his guitar in mid-performance. A dramatic image from this one-off performance.

Estimate £200-400

Date: 28/08/2006

Photographed just months after what was, at the time, their most successful album "Black Holes and Revelations" which achieved number one in the U.K., Australia, Ireland and Switzerland as well as thirteen major awards.

This DOT is an indivisible bundle comprising the following items (1-4) only:

1) Physical Items:

A unique, high quality poster size print (22 x 15")

The original film negative and contact taken from said negative

2) Digital Item:

The unique and original high resolution file as captured by professional photographers working under service contracts for Live From Abbey Road

File Format: JPEG
File Size: 9.5MB

3) Intellectual Property Rights:

Copyright in the image (as described in this description and corresponding to the matching Physical Items and Digital Item set out above) to be assigned from the current holder to the buyer that gives the right to reproduce or exploit the image.

4) DOT:

A digital ownership token (DOT) to be held in a Binance compatible online digital wallet, associated with items 1-3 identified above.

Notes: Between the years 2006 and 2012, Abbey Road Studios hosted one hundred and forty of the finest musicians from around the world. These hallowed grounds facilitated the most intimate of performances - the groups playing to one another for the sheer pleasure of their music as opposed to a paying audience of thousands.
Photographed by studio professionals, the images offered below are unique representations of the otherwise unseen magic of these one-time performances. For musicians so familiar to the big stage, performances such as these at Abbey Road Studios are a rare moment of purity and clarity. For fans of music, performance and the arts, no better record exists of this intimate artistic impression.

What is a Digital Ownership Token (DOT)?
-           A rare and tangible, high quality print.
-           A digital asset comprising the original high resolution file.
-           Copyright over the image.
-           A DOT contract to be held in a Binance compatible online digital wallet, proving ownership over the above.

DOT means a Digital Ownership Token, which is a proprietary digital token of Coinllectibles Limited based on the Binance Smart Chain network for minting and storing NFTs.

Legal documents
Documents and more

Service Argeement: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

High Resolution Image: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

High Resolution Image: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

High Resolution Image: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

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AVG.Price ($): $0

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