


David Chan (1979)
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Artist / Owner: Art Seasons Gallery(S) Pte Ltd
Size: 90.5 x 70 cm
Created date: Jan 10, 2023
Collection: Crossover DOTs


Artist: David Chan (1979)

Title: Awakening

Year: 2023

Medium: Painting - Oil on Linen

Dimension; 90.5 x 70 cm

DAVID CHAN paints in a realistic style, yet hints of the surrealistic connotation come into play in his subjects such as animals, humans/human hybrids against his vivid or monolithic background. At first glance, the audacious works seem comical or bewildering. However, upon closer observation, the initial impression gives way to the artist’s reality and his take on social issues such as popular culture and genetic engineering, and human behaviour in our current times. In that, it is always not easy to unpack the story behind each of David’s works. It is like taking a lateral journey with David, the improbable storyteller himself. One has to dip deep into David’s realm of reality and imagination to understand his visual language and its iconographical interpretations of the story to be able to fathom the realistic rendition of his work.

A Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art, First Class Honours) graduate of Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Singaporean David Chan (1979) is a full-time artist who held his first solo exhibition – Genetic Wonderland – in 2004 at age 25, to much critical and public acclaim. In that year, he was also winner of the 23rd UOB Painting of the Year – Representational Medium Category Award. David has had 7 solo exhibitions in Singapore and 2 overseas; the most recent one was “Grey Gap” in 2022. He has also exhibited in a number of countries including, China, America, Taiwan, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, and in 2011 he was able to exhibit his work at the 54th Venice Biennale at the Fondazione Claudio Buziol, the same work travelled to the Wereldmuseum Rotterdam in Netherlands the next year. David recently also participated in the Singapore 2016/2017 Biennale, with an gigantic installation in front of National Art Museum, titled The Great East Indiaman. In addition to painting and sculpting, David also lectures at the National Institute of Education and Art Design & Media in National Technological University. David’s artworks collections include Singapore Art Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, and many important private collections around the world.

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